Construction of earthen dam of 53m height & 3124m. length having capacity of 7TMC. The quantity of earthwork involved is 175 lakh cu.m, pitching of 10 lakh sq. mts, Rock toe of 1.25 lakh cum, spillway excavation of 2.00 lakh cu.m in hard strata, coalgrout masonry of 25000 cu.m, RCC work for intake structure & other components-15000 cu.m.
The work also includes 460m. long D shape tunnel with RCC lining, RCC intake structure of 43 m. height with gate & approach bridge. The revised cost of the project is about 350 crore. Phase 1 part of the work is completed & water supply is started from Nov.2004. The project is now taken up by IMavi Mumbai Municipal Corporation.
  Balance sheets of our group Company for last five years show that the turnover of the company has increased in last 5 years and has reached a figure of 75 crore, putting the company in the list of prime contractors in the State. The Company possesses financial and technical ability to take up major Civil Engineering projects involving expenditure to the tune of Rs. 300-400 crore.  

Our group Company has also recently entered into a joint venture with M/s. Bhooratnom & Co. of Andhra Pradesh and the A.P. Government has awarded Three major irrigation projects to the joint venture. The work on these projects has started recently.

Bridge on River near Vaibhavwadi in Sindhudurga Distrct
The Bridge is an R. C. C. bridge constructed in the year 1972 for State B&Cdept.

Medium Irrigation Project at Basaapachiwadi in Sangli District
The Work is located in Jath Taluka of Sangli District. The work is completed in the year 1980-81.

Bhira Tail Race Hydro-Electric Project in Raigad District
The project is located in Raigad District of Maharashtra State. The project is hydro-electric project. The part of the work entrusted to the company consists of construction of main forebay dam intake structures and masonry saddles. The earthwork involved was 17 lakh cum. The work is completed in the yearl 987.
The project is located in the very heavy rainfall zone of the state and the time available for the work is only 180 days in a year. The work was completed against all odds and is at present serving the people satisfactorily.

Warana Left Bank Canal
The company has completed 2.2 km. long canal is km no. 22,23 & 37. The canal is constructed in the year 1987 to 90 under the supervision of State Irrigation department and forms a part of Warana Project on Warana River in Sangli District.

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